5 Sunday Steps To Set Yourself Up For The Week

  • Post category:Lifestyle

We all know that Sunday evening feeling, you start thinking of work and all the things you need to do in the week ahead. Sometimes getting enough sleep is a challenge in itself.

Luckily, here are 5 Sunday steps you can take to set yourself up for the week.

1. Something you enjoy.

Make sure to schedule in something you enjoy doing, even for just an hour or so. You can go to the cinema, read a chapter from a book you’re currently into, or getting crafty. Whatever it is, make time for it.

2. Create a Sunday to-do list.

Create a default Sunday task list you need to do around the house so you don’t need to worry about it during the week. Change the bedsheets perhaps, the weekly shop or even as simple as watering the plants.

3. Meal plan & prep.

“What should we eat for dinner?” is probably one of the most used phrases in a household. Plan & prep your meals in advance to make sure you’re set up for healthy choices rather than eating out as a last resort.

4. Plan your outfits.

Not thinking about what you’re wearing can save you 15-20 mins in the morning. That’s more time for sleep!

5. Create your intentions.

Sit down 20-30 mins at the end of each Sunday, reflect on the past week and write down what you hope to achieve in the one ahead. If you’re into bullet journalling, this is the best time to set your bujo up. 

Click here for some planner pages you may want to include in your current planner set up.

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